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IR - Corporate Governance

Stockholder Info.

Hyundai Heavy Industries management and directors value the most our shareholders customers, and employees and we work on a continuous and long-tern relationship

Status of Exercising of Voting Rights at the Most Recent Periodical General Meeting of Shareholders

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Status of Exercising of Voting Rights at the Most Recent Periodical General Meeting of Shareholders table - Year, Total number of stocks with voting rights(2), total number of stocks owned by those present in the General Meeting of Shareholders, Remarks
Year Total number of stocks with voting rights(2) total number of stocks owned by those present in the General Meeting of Shareholders Remarks
Largest shareholder etc. Other shareholders Minority shareholders(1) Ratio of exercising voting rights by minority shareholders (1)/(2)%
2016 59,779,523 10,130,005 15,915,521 5,769,464 9.65%